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Educational Evaluations

Why a person might need an educational evaluation.

At times in their academic studies, even the brightest of students may show signs of struggling with skills such as decoding, encoding, reading fluency, reading comprehension, math calculation, problem solving, or written expression.

If these struggles become more consistent or there becomes a widening gap between grade level expectations and a child’s performance in school, it is always wise to seek an objective assessment of their abilities and academic skills.

Other signs may point to learning difficulties and indicate the need for an evaluation. Sometimes a student may display a worsening attitude at home, a sudden dislike of school, or inappropriate and/or avoidance behavior in class, that is really an outgrowth of difficulty learning. It is critical to identify learning issues as soon as possible, to avoid undue frustration and poor self-esteem.

An informative learning evaluation may enable a student and his family to find solutions to remediating learning difficulties and applying appropriate accommodations that will enable success in learning, whether a student is in Kindergarten or entering college.


We know that data such as grades given by teachers or online assessments with multiple choice formats do not reliably identify students at risk of learning disorders. We know that broad achievement tests used with young students are not sensitive enough to identify gaps with their peers. The evaluations conducted by REC diagnosticians purposely include tests that are diagnostic and comprehensive.

The goal of an educational evaluation conducted by the Robinowitz Education Center is to help the client understand their potential and to leverage their strengths to succeed in this world. The recommendations in our evaluations are there to ensure that family and teachers know how to address the unique needs of the client at home and in the classroom. 

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